

114 Uppsatser om Serum amyloid A - Sida 1 av 8

Serum amyloid A (SAA) som inflammationsmarkör hos häst i klinisk verksamhet

Ett arbete om olika ljudnivåer i kycklingstallar under en uppfödningsperiod. Hur ljudet förandras inne i stallet i tackt med att djur och ströbädd växer.

A Comparison of Two Immunoturbidimetric Assay Methods for Serum Amyloid A in Cats.

The analysis of acute phase protein Serum amyloid A (SAA) has recently been brought into clinical use in veterinary medicine. Some of the difficulties with incorporating the SAA method in clinical practice have been the expensive and rather large equipment required for the method. Due to these difficulties only larger clinics can afford to use the SAA analysis.The company Equinostic has recently developed a smaller instrument that costs one-tenth of a larger instrument. The instrument is named EVA1 and has so far only been used to analyze SAA in horses.The aim of this study was to investigate if the EVA1 instrument could be used to analyze SAA in cats. This study included 24 serum samples from cat, which were first analyzed twice on the EVA1 instrument and then sent to the Strömsholm Referral Animal Hospital in Sweden where they reanalyzed the samples using a validated reference method.

Analys av haptoglobin i bovint serum med surface plasmon resonance biosensorteknik :

The concentration of acute phase proteins in serum is altered as a response to inflammation, infection or trauma. this makes these proteins potential biomarkers of unspecific pathological processes. In cattle, haptoglobin and Serum amyloid A are the two acute phase proteins that show the largest increase in serum concentration as a result of inflammatory processes. The haptoglobin concentration has been shown to correlate to clinical signs as well as inflammatory processes found at post mortem examination. This feature could be useful prognosis of the individual as well as for monitoring the health status of a herd or identifying carcasses that shold be examined closer at the slaughter-house.

Serum Amyloid A as a possible marker of health and disease in non-domesticated mammals : a retrospective pilot study of SAA levels in dolphins, elephants and tapirs at Kolmården Wildlife Park

The veterinary handling of wildlife, both in zoos and in the wild, commonly requires that the patients need to be captured and immobilized for examination or treatment. This emphasises the need for quick, on-site, laboratory equipment, in order to minimize the analysis time and thus the stress for the animal and also in order to increase the possibility of starting relevant treatment early on. The aim of this pilot study was to determine whether Serum amyloid A (SAA) could be a measured in blood samples from bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus), Asian elephants (Elephas maximus) and South American tapirs (Tapirus terrestris). SAA rises to its maximum about 24 hours after the introduction of an inflammatory agent in companion animals. This also correlates with the estimated time it takes for animals at Kolmården Wildlife Park to be examined and having blood samples collected after being observed as sick. The study also evaluated whether the Eurolyser SOLO, using a turbidometric immunoassay (TIA) developed for human diagnostics, could be used for such analysis. This pilot study was a retrospective analysis of SAA in convenience sampled frozen serum, collected from dolphins, elephants and tapirs.

Njurfunktion hos hypertyreoida katter : en jämförelse mellan serumkreatinin och serumcystatin C

Hyperthyroidism and chronic kidney failure (CKD) are common diseases in older cats. It can be difficult to evaluate kidney function in cats suffering from both conditions simultaneously. In the daily clinic serum creatinine is the analysis of choice when evaluating kidney function and secondary glomerular filtration rate (GFR). This marker does not, however, detect kidney damage until about 75 % of the function is lost. There are several other techniques available when investigating GFR but none are readily available for the small clinic.

Utvärdering av BD Vacutainer® Rapid Serum Tube vid analys av S-Paracetamol och S-Etanol

Avdelningen för klinisk kemi vid Länssjukhuset i Kalmar analyserar läkemedel och alkoholer med BD Vacutainer® Plus Plastic Serum Tube (Serum Tube), som kräver en koagulationstid i upp till 60 minuter. BD Vacutainer® Rapid Serum Tube (RST?) innehåller trombin och kräver en koagulationstid på endast 5 minuter. Syftet med studien var att undersöka möjligheten att förkorta den preanalytiska väntetiden före centrifugering vid intoxikationsanalyser i serumrör från akutmottagningen. Studien utfördes genom att jämföra RST? med Serum Tube vid analys av S-Paracetamol och S-Etanol.

Betydelsen av koncentrationen av serum amyloid A (SAA) hos katt vid diagnostik av felin infektiös peritonit (FIP)

En operation framkallar en icke önskvärd fysiologisk reaktion hos patienten som benämns som kroppens stressvar. Stressvaret innebär att sympatiska nervsystemet aktiveras och att endokrina ändringar erhålls, bland annat minskning i sekretionen av TSH och insulin samt ökning i sekretionen av ACTH, kortisol och ADH. En viktig uppgift för en veterinär är att välja premedicineringsläkemedel innan en operation. Premedicineringsläkemedel har som främsta uppgifter att motverka det perioperativa stressvaret hos djuret, minska smärta och förstärka anestesimedlens effekt. Syftet med det här arbetet är att beskriva vad som händer i kroppen vid ett perioperativt stressvar och hur svaret kan motverkas med hjälp av premedicineringsläkemedel. Premedicineringsläkemedel väljs och kombineras från klasserna sedativa, analgetika och antikolinergika. De vanligaste använda sederande läkemedlen på svenska veterinärkliniker är dopaminantagonisten acepromazin och alfa2-agonisten medetomidin.

Evaluation of lithium-heparintube analyses performance

Today, some kind of laboratory results is required for around 70% of the diagnostics and follow-ups for diseases. In many of the cases the time from sampling to a result is very critical. Therefore the discussion of how to improve this situation has begun. For many analyses serum has been the routine choice for a long time but now it is disputed. After blood collection in a serum tube it is essential to wait 30-60 minutes before centrifugation and analysis of the sample, a long time for someone in an acute state.

Är ett framtida vaccin mot Alzheimers sjukdom möjligt?

Alzheimers sjukdom är en smygande neurodegenerativ demenssjukdom som främst drabbar äldre och som karakteriseras av uppkomsten av amyloidplack och neurofibriller i hjärnan. De vanligaste symptomen är demens, kognitiva problem, inbillningar och aggressivitet. Alzheimer förekommer i två olika former, presenil och senil alzheimer. Den fullständiga mekanismen bakom alzheimer är ännu okänd men två proteiner, beta-amyloid och tau, anses ligga bakom orsaken till alzheimer. Ett tredje inblandat protein som man funnit via genetisk analys är apolipoprotein E.

Thymidinkinas 1 som tumörmarkör vid juvertumörer hos tik :

Determination of serum thymidine kinase 1 (TK-1) activity is used as a tumour marker in both human and veterinary medicine. TK-1 is an intracellular enzyme involved in a salvage pathway of DNA synthesis. The expression of TK-1 is cell cycle dependent and the activity increases markedly after the G1 to S transition in the cell cycle and then declines rapidly in G2. The pronounced proliferative activity in tumour cells result in a higher TK-1 enzyme activity within the cell. The fact that the increased TK-1 activity can be measured in serum makes TK-1 a useful marker in diagnostics of neoplastic diseases and it provides information regarding prognosis and treatment effectiveness. In human medicine a radioactive based test is used to determine the TK-1 serum activity.

Test av litiumheparinplasma fo?r analys av folat med Siemens Advia Centaur® XP samt effekt av inomhusbelysning o?ver tid

Background: Folate is a water - soluble vitamin necessary for normal DNA synthesis among  other mechanisms. Folate deficiency can cause megaloblastic anemia resulting from abnormal erythrocyte d evelopment. At the Department of Clinical Chemistry, Linköping, analysis of folate is performed with Siemens ADVIA Centaur® XP which uses an immunochemical method with chemiluminimetric detection. Currently, the assay is conducted on serum, is poured off and frozen after 48 h and treated with light protection because folate is considered to be light sensitive.Methods: This study tested lithium heparin plasma for analysis of folate with Siemens ADVIA Centaur® XP with the aim to be able to perform a package of analyzes in anemia investigation from the same collection tube. Furthermore, the stability of folate was studied for up to 168 h and examined regarding light sensitivity.Results: Statistically significant higher values were obtained in the analysis of folate in lithium heparin plasma than folate in serum (p < 0,001).

Bestämning av kotinin/nikotin i biologiska prover (urin och serum/plasma) med HILIC-MS/MS

I detta arbete presenteras en metod för bestämning av fri kotinin och totala mängden kotinin i urin och serum. Metoden bygger på hydrolys av prov (för total bestämning av kotinin) och extraktion i metylenklorid. Bestämning av kotinin har gjorts med HILIC-MS/MS..

Kan grad av degenerativ hjärnsjukdom prediceras med hjälp av mått på kognitiv försämring?

Can degree of degenerative brain disease be predicted with the help of measurements of cognitive deterioration?Alzheimer?s disease progresses through nerve cell break down in the brain and the simultaneous deterioration of the individual?s cognitive function. This disease is common among elderly persons. This thesis examines if the level of deterioration of cognitive function is associated with different biochemical and clinical markers for degenerative brain diseases. In addition, this thesis examines if the level of decline in cognitive functions vary between groups with different levels of degenerative brain disease.

Validation of a tetraplex assay for detection of antibodies in poultry serum using Luminex 200 platform.

Background: As a part of a national health control program, Statens VeterinärmedicinskaAnstalt performs diagnostics to screen flocks for certain pathogens causing high mortality,morbidity and/or serious economical losses. There are several viruses in the programincluding IBDV (infectious bursal disease virus), IBV (infectious bronchitis virus) and NDV(Newcastle disease virus). Method: 96 serum samples were collected from different poultryflocks in Sweden and analyzed by ELISA, which are currently used in the health controlprogram as well as by a commercial prototype of a multiplex immunoassay manufactured byLuminex Corp., which is currently under evaluation at the United States Department ofAgriculture USDA. This 4-plex assay detects antibodies for the three above-mentionedviruses as well as antibodies of avian reovirus. In the context of this study the ELISAs run inroutine diagnostics as well as a REO ELISA were used as the standard for comparison.Result: The antibody concentration in serum from vaccinated chickens was high while theantibody concentration level in serum from not vaccinated chickens was low.

Karaktärisering av hund TK1 för användning som tumörmarkör :

Thymidine kinase 1 (TK1) is an intracellular enzyme involved in ?the salvage pathway? where the uncomplete parts of DNA are transformed into DNA precursors. The expression of TK1 is cell cykle specific, with the highest level during S-phase when DNA-synthesis is most active. One kind of TK1 is present in serum and an increase in TK1 activity in serum is due to either the level of DNA synthesis in the body or the number of cells dying in a state of replication. This can be used and is used as a marker for prognosis and evaluation of treatment in human patients with leukemia and lymphoma.

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